Self Care for the Pilates Professional
About the Workshop
Pilates instructors are committed to offering clients the best care and training possible. Unfortunately, we often do it at the expense of our own health and well-being. This workshop will help you create routines, rituals and boundaries that will help you stay present with yourself and your own needs while serving others.
Workshop Goals:
- To identify the reasons why we chose to become Pilates professionals and how some of these reasons may be adding to our lack of self care.
- To understand the stages of exhaustion and identify where we are and how it may be affecting how we show up with our clients.
- To understand the cycle of work life balance and how to surrender perfection to achieve it.
- To identify ourselves on the “Role Model” spectrum and learn solutions to keep us in a state of harmony as both a person in and out of the studio.
What You’ll Use:
- This is a lecture demo and you can follow along with the instructor. If you have access to the required equipment feel free to follow along.